Specialty Care CME Conferences

Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts is now offering 9 Specialty Care CME conferences across the United States and through SkinBonesNOW, our online CME courses!

Click here to learn about the CME credit information for our 2023 CME conferences.

Today’s ever-changing healthcare environment requires trusted, timely, and respected CME education. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are informed can diagnose patients quicker, feel more confident in their decisions, and ultimately provide better patient care.

Our CME conferences focus on specialty care topics such as dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology, emergency medicine, women’s health and more, providing healthcare professionals with the knowledge they need and the CME credits they require.

All of our courses are taught by experts who understand the dynamics of working as a nurse practitioner or physician assistant in specialty care. 

This icon indicates a conference that offers an optional workshop and/or additional tracks for select days, including Diabetes, Pain Management/ Pharmacology & Prescribing! Options are available during registration.

The Goal of Our CME Conferences

Our CME conferences provide an exhilarating environment for networking with medical industry peers while learning in a collaborative and intimate group setting. As specialty healthcare providers, you will learn from passionate speakers who will engage, entertain and educate you. Our CME conferences expand your knowledge so you can return to your specialty care clinic refreshed, energized and ready to apply your skills.

Benefits of Attending a Skin Bones CME Conference

Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts provides CME conferences and online CME courses structured for specialty care professionals. Through advanced medical education, research, integrated learning sessions, hands-on demonstrations and break-through case study presentations from the most qualified and passionate healthcare providers, Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts’ CME conferences and online CME courses focus on essential and relevant content to help teach the most current and best medical techniques, that lead to better patient outcomes.

Make the case for attending with this customizable toolkit!