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Taking Care of Mental Health in 2022

Mental Health Challenges


As 2021 ends, I find myself wondering what new clinical challenges the next year will bring. It is particularly true of mental health problems as our patients, and we face more uncertainty (and less consensus) in this pandemic era in which we find ourselves. I see a lot more anxiety and depression in my practice as a psychiatric-mental health NP, and I know that my colleagues in all specialties are, too. We strive to provide the best healthcare in an increasingly resource-limited environment. Still, I genuinely believe that we can positively impact our patients’ mental health and psychological well-being.  


Compelling evidence suggests that both medications and therapeutic interventions are effective in treating psychiatric disorders. However, the current “state of the science” involves multiple modalities to produce better outcomes than those observed using psychopharmacology or therapy alone. Therefore, nurse practitioners in all settings need to understand how various therapeutic interventions can profoundly influence clients’ ability to cope and change.  

One way to demystify the underpinnings – and emphasize the impact — of this approach is to use the unifying transtheoretical framework developed by Hubble, Duncan, and Miller. This model defines four common elements that account for much of the improvement in clients, regardless of the therapeutic model. Moreover, these constructs can apply to various simple, brief approaches that quickly enact – and easily adapted – to any patient encounter.  

Join me at an SBHPP conference in 2022 to learn more about this framework. We’ll define, explore and operationalize this model to help you feel comfortable and empowered to fully leverage your natural Nursing strengths to make a real impact with the patients for whom you care. 

Hubble, M.A., Duncan, B.L., & Miller, S.D. (1999). The heart and soul of change: What works in therapy. APA: Washington, DC.